Vault Troubleshooting

Please see the topics below for common problems and potential solutions:

#Vault not joining Zone

For a Vault to accept an invite to a Zone, the invitation MUST be sent by the person whose Username was paired with the Vault.

For Vault models 2312-NT and earlier, your Vault has be pre-configured to be paired to your Diode App Username. For these Vaults, please contact Diode Support who may be able to help provide information on the Username that is paired to your Vault.

#Vault not Online

If your Vault is not showing up as “green” (online) in your Zone, check the following:

#Vault not Starting Up

If the Vault is not fully starting up, check the following:

#Vault not Safely Powering Down

If the Vault is not safely powering down, check the following: